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Brief Introduction to Problem Gambling Prevention

Brief Introduction to Problem Gambling Prevention

As the world of gambling becomes less compartmentalized so too must its prevention efforts. Currently more people gamble per week and per year than ever before. Furthermore, society’s acceptance of and desire to gamble has grown substantially. With the evidence that cross-addiction and co-occurrence is high among problem gamblers, prevention professionals should be positioned with the knowledge and tools to provide gambling prevention education, implement screens and share resources. Attendees will be introduced to the skills needed to incorporate problem gambling information into their currently running prevention programs.
  1. Watch the video above titled "Brief Introduction to Problem Gambling Prevention." 
  2. Complete the post test and evaluation via ProProf. Click here, for the post test and evaluation, or copy the following URL into your internet browser, https://www.classmarker.com/online-test/start/?quiz=vtc61aa79fd1f2da 
  3. Upon completing and passing the post-test, your CEU certificate will automatically be generated.
 If you have any questions please contact Nabil Pervaiz at npervaiz@recres.org or (216) 713-0743